Sunday, August 27, 2006

casino voucher

this was a "souvenir" from the casino in reno.. :P it was a voucher i got back from one of those 'penny' slot machines (meaning i could use $0.01 as betting units).. to get this voucher, i put in $2 (cash) in the machine and started playing.. in just 5 mins, i lost $1.98 and could not bet any more... then the machine just printed out this voucher which can be redemned or used on another machine ...

i found this very cool cos it 'forced' me to use my 'winnings' on another machine or go to a counter to cash out the voucher... in that sense, i could not use the voucher in another casino until redemnation..

last time, when i went to las vegas, the winnings were paid in cash... i could just take the cash and walk away ... most probably this method of giving out the winnings will be implemented in singapore for the casinos...


Ris said...

the one i went to in vegas gave ticket also ler.. then take to counter to cash it. unfortunately i didn't keep it as a souvenir.. hehe

chiefy said...

oh.. they changed abit since 2001..
soon they will become vending machines which takes paypal to visa...